- Like anything
- Сильно. Бурно. Стремительно. По нарастающей. Изо всех сил. Со всех ног. Сломя голову. Что есть сил. На чём свет стоит
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
like anything — 1. Very much 2. With great vigour • • • Main Entry: ↑any * * * like anything spoken phrase very much When she stuck the needle in, it hurt like anything. Thesaurus: v … Useful english dictionary
like anything — {adv. phr.} To an extreme degree. * /He swore like anything when he found out that he hadn t been promoted./ … Dictionary of American idioms
like anything — {adv. phr.} To an extreme degree. * /He swore like anything when he found out that he hadn t been promoted./ … Dictionary of American idioms
like\ anything — adv. phr. To an extreme degree. He swore like anything when he found out that he hadn t been promoted … Словарь американских идиом
like anything — spoken very much When she stuck the needle in, it hurt like anything … English dictionary
like anything — Vigorously. Very much. Expression adding emph. ♣ I laughed like anything … A concise dictionary of English slang
like anything informal, — like anything informal, chiefly Brit. to a great degree. → like … English new terms dictionary
like anything — (Roget s IV) , , modif. Syn. very much, exceedingly, greatly; see much 1 , very … English dictionary for students
like — verb. I should like is normal in BrE and I would like in other varieties, although in practice the contracted form I d like is common, especially in speech. These forms are followed either by a to infinitive (I should like to come too) or by an… … Modern English usage
anything like with negative — at all like. → anything … English new terms dictionary
like — like1 [līk] adj. [ME lik, aphetic for ilik < OE gelic, similar, equal, lit., of the same form or shape, akin to Ger gleich < PGmc * galīka < * ga , prefix of uncert. meaning + * līka, body, (ON līk, Goth leik, OE lic): for IE base see… … English World dictionary